
The Races

Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting your fitness journey, you’re welcome at Run Upper Murray. With a couple of race categories to choose from, participants can challenge themselves and experience the thrill of crossing the finish line. Let’s delve into each category:


The Ultimate test of endurance! Covering a distance of 33.1km, participants will push themselves physically and mentally to conquer two main peaks, and a total elevation of 1,388m.

Starting at the Thowlga Hall, runners will climb Hall Track to Mount Elliot Ridge Track, a total of 3km and the most challenging climb on the course with some sections having 25% gradient. Heading north along Mount Elliot Ridge Track, the lookout is reached at the 8km mark. Participants are encouraged to take a moment to inhale in the magnificent views and refuel at the aid station, ‘long drop’ toilets are also available. Turning southeast, participants will engage their downhill skills along Fishers Track through the beautiful forest of tree ferns and grass trees. At the bottom of Fishers Track, they’ll pop out of the bush and into a scene straight from the Man from Snowy River.

Traversing though the high-country farming property, the climb to the second peak begins along Whiteheads Track. It’s a long, yet scenic up and over and onto Whiteheads Gap Road, before linking back up to the Mt Elliot Ridge Track halfway down the side of peak two. Hitting the five ways intersection, marshals will direct runners to take the north-west exit onto McCormacks Track which opens up views into another stunning valley before dropping into pastures with friendly Black Angus locals (they’re harmless!). From here the closed tracks through the agricultural fields of McCormack Gap Road will lead particpants to Thowlga Road for the last leg. With Thowgla Hall (the finish line) in sight and 0 gradient, there’s no lack of motivation to make the last km count!

Map: https://www.strava.com/routes/3240538363773601992


It may be shorter, but no less a stunning scene. The first half of this race calls for stamina, whilst the second half calls on a bit of skill to decend some sections of steep track. The 16km course technically covers 15.97km with an elevation gain of 735m. Keep you mind distracted with a game of Grass-tree spotto!

Kicking off at the Thowlga Hall, runners will make their way up Hall Track to the Mount Elliot Ridge Track. Heading north, the Ridge Track leads to the lookout – the turn-around point for this out and back course. Before heading back, runners can refuel at the aid station, and take in the stunning views that sprawl over Corryong. Toilets are also available. It an easy descend back until around the 13km mark – where a little skill is needed to maintain pace for the steepest section of decline.

Map: https://www.strava.com/routes/3237639802340357602


Designed to cater to runners of all abilities, the 3K race offers a shorter yet equally rewarding experience. Whether walking, jogging, or sprinting, participants will enjoy the sense of accomplishment as they cross the finish line, surrounded by the cheers of supporters.

The course will start at Thowlga Hall, and head up Hall Track for 1500m, before pivoting and heading back down to the finish line.

Covering a distance of 3 kilometres and a gentle elevation of around 75m, this category is perfect for families, kids & beginners, and those looking for a fun and accessible race option. Whilst all 3km participants will run together, prizes will only be awarded to participant in a 12 years and under category.

No matter which race category you choose, our trail run event promises an unforgettable experience filled with excitement, determination, and the joy of pushing your limits. So lace up your running shoes, set your sights on your goal, and join us for a day of unforgettable memories and personal triumphs. See you at the starting line!

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